Thursday, February 6, 2014


Once again after my last post with few ideas, I am here with some more. I had only one idea to share but thanks to this page, I could recall another one. Post the present sentence, I am going to write the rest of the post in Hindi with a very specific reason.

प्रथम आईडिया वर्त्तमान राजनीतिक और सामाजिक परिस्थिति से  हुई है । आम आदमी पार्टी की सरकार बनने के बाद इस बात में कोई दो राय नहीं कि देश की जनता भ्रष्टाचार से त्रस्त हो गयी है। इतनी त्रस्त की उसके लिए आर्थिक विकास से ज्यादा   महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा बन गया है भ्रष्टाचार। दिल्ली सरकार जनलोकपाल बिल लाने वाली है और केंद्र ने पहले ही इसे पारित कर दिया है । ऐसी स्थिति में यह देखना दिलचस्प होगा कि हमारी प्रशाशनिक व्यवस्था किस हद तक इस महतवपूर्ण कानून को लागू कर पाती है या यह भी अन्य कानूनों कि तरह अदालत में ही पड़ा रहेगा। वैसे देखा जाय तो ऐसे किसी भी कानून को सफल बनाने में आम जनता की अहम् भूमिका होती है। लोगों की भावनाओं को समझने के लिए मैं इस दिशा में एक छोटा सा प्रयत्न कर रहा हूँ। आशा है, आपलोगों का सहयोग मिलेगा।  आपलोगों से अनुरोध है कि आप अपने बहुमूल्य समय में से पांच मिनट इस छोटे सर्वे को भरने में दे:

 द्वितीय आईडिया हमारी मातृभाषा और सूचना तकनीकी में हुए उत्साहवर्धक विकास से जुडी हुई है।  इतना विकास होने के बावजूद सूचना तकनीकी का देश के मौलिक विकास में उतना योगदान नहीं हो पाया है जितना होना  था।  यह विकास एकमात्र रोज़गार दिलाने का साधन ही रहा क्योंकि आज भी इस तकनीक का पुरजोर उपयोग नहीं हो पा रहा है खासकर शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में।  ऐसा इसलिए कि बहुत सारे लोगो को लगता है कि कंप्यूटर का उपयोग अंग्रेजी के बिना सम्भव नहीं है और आज भी लोग इसे बस एक मनोरंजन के साधन के रूप में ही अधिकतर उपयोग में ला  पाते हैं । मेरा यह पोस्ट इस बात को ही स्पष्ट करने के लिए है कि आजकल ऐसे सॉफ्टवेयर मुफ्त में उपलब्ध हैं  जिनका उपयोग करके पिछड़े हुए शिक्षा क्षेत्र में, विशेषकर गावों में, एक अभूतपूर्व क्रांति लायी जा सकती है। ऐसा सिर्फ हिंदी भाषा के लिए ही नहीं अपितु दूसरी भाषाओ के लिए भी सम्भव है।  वैसे लोग जो ऐसे इलाकों से सम्बन्ध रखते हैं, कृपया इस विषय में जागरूकता फैलाये।

आशा करता हूँ कि यह पोस्ट आप सभी को पसंद आया हो।

दीपू कुमार

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I am not able to give the time to this post as much as I should have done. So, excuse me for that :)

Like everyone, I do come-up with some idea, it comes and goes. So, I decided to share it using my blog. I want to share these ideas via blog instead of more popular platform like fb and twitter as it will be easy for me and others to look at all of the ideas in one go.

So, here is the first idea, I am going to share. But I just now decided to share one more idea. So, that makes this post with two ideas that are not at all related. Let me caution you for that, so that you don't unnecessarily try to relate them. comes the third idea. But I shall stop myself on bringing any more ideas. Here we go finally. The ideas are presented in reverse-chronological appearance in my mind :)

IDEA1: The style of writing you are reading should be called free-styled writing. If anyone by the way googles what is free-style writing, I would like to warn you that I have not googled any idea for writing this blog post. That's the beauty of free-style writing. You take your hand on keyboard, your mind starts thinking and your hands start typing. Believe me you can keep writing unless you tell your head to stop like I have told my mind to stop thinking more on this idea. So, I'll move to the second idea.

IDEA2: This is interesting as it is about idea only. But this is about a particular type of idea. At least, I was not aware of this idea till few moments ago. It is about the idea of following. You talk about a famous person, be it Gandhi, Marx, Lincoln, Clinton, Jobs, Modi, Einstein, whoever else. You always find followers. You will find Lakhs of followers of these people. It is surprising to see there has never been second person with similar success, there is not second Gandhi, second Hitlar, second Lincoln and in fact no-two people in the world has been the same. So, why do people follow blindly. I do not dis-regard the idea of learning from ones life but it is utterly non-sense to follow any damn good or damn bad living or non-living person on the earth or elsewhere. What essentially the life or thought of a person is just one or other idea of living life and you have all right of living life on your own and you are capable of doing that. So, there are billions of ideas rather more if you consider the past. Some of them are very strong, some are very common but no two of them are ever same. So rather than following any idea, create your own idea of life. Anyway, in all probability, you are not going to live life of someone else. Crux is that, any other person's principle is just an idea not a rule to follow!

Yeah, it has gone long. I didn't want to write this long. Let me just finish my third idea for the day.

IDEA3: I was traveling in the bus from hostel to office with my eye closed. I want to feel myself sleeping for that 20-25 minutes, so that I feel relax while start working. Two days back, an idea or rather a curiosity appeared out of nowhere during the journey. Is there a place with Hindu-Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara and Church in a single compound? If not why it should not be built, the four places of worship in four direction: Temple facing east, mosque facing west and other two in either direction. How auspicious and blessed that place be. If there is any god, that would be the place of unity for the gods and the devotees. All going there will be blessed with good health and happiness. And what else could be the better place than Ayodhya where two worship house is actually in the same building.

I searched about such places in India, could find few. But imagine the best pilgrimage place in the country which will not only symbolize a country with unity in diversity but the human race in unity with diversity. That we can live in harmony without any war on religion. I was shocked to read the religious justification delivered by Taliban for the attack on Malala and their other activities. This way we are not going to survive. Idea is not to kill the religion but idea is that even the life of god was just idea not rules.

Few pictures depicting IDEA3:

Indeed, it took the time it should have :)

I hope to see myself here with some new ideas.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Poem :)

Where am I going? 

I walk; I jog and sometime run as well
Every time covering some distance
Sometimes straight, other time curve
Sometime even reverse but never stop
But I never know where I would reach!
A child better knows than me
Where is he going?
Things are linear for him but not for me…
I feel responsibility and boundary but he doesn’t
I care about others more than him but should I?
Yes, I must care and select the best we could do
Do the best to achieve that dream of ideality.
This requires me to stop and think
Think that where am I going…
Suddenly I find all the mist disappearing :) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Its amazing

It was an amazing experience, the efforts put by friends and juniors. Till now, I saw them carrying parts of the vehicle. I had understanding that something amazing is going on there but could not imagine at any time that they are making India's first racing car powered by electricity (Li-polymer batteries). For the first time in four years at IIT there was so much crowd for tech-thing (or it might be that i was present for the first time :P). But, you people have done an amazing, inspiring job which gives hope to future technological endeavor that student body can take in future. Hats off to Urmil, Prateek Sharma, Harshad, Baba, Sameep and all other team members.

There is no doubt that you people put an exceptional effort to make such a nice and unique effort and there are others like underwater vehicle team doing some kind of similar things. But I do have a sincere request to you people especially the managers to put forward this project not as exceptional as it is.What I mean from it is that any newcomers to IIT should never hesitate to approach the team to contribute, especially those having enthu but lack the experience or any such quality. You are the people who can take tech-stuff involving such hands on thing to the mass of iit which is right now concentrated to only a bunch of students. At the end, we have technical problems in the society and industry to be solved, what we actually lack is the quality manpower in great quantity. You people are example and I wish that this team grows to a team of more than 500 students in coming years from the present strength of 60.

Hats off to you guys. IITB racing team rocks \m/

Signing off

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Expand your limits

The most peculiar thing in the world is in the simple actions or ideas. Most of the persons, actions and objects around us appears to be simple to us but are they? Let's take actions, all of us may agree on what must we ought not to do or what must we ought to do but we have our own limits. Interestingly, We accept it as the limitation set by the tradition of society and the environment around us. But we fail to accept the limitation set by ourselves i.e. how much strength do we carry to overcome such limitations. We are born as similar human beings but there are those, who by their actions and potential break such barriers and we know them as stars. I had an opportunity to meet some of them during an event in Delhi last week. They are common people like you and me but are different in the sense that they posses higher potential to cross the economic and social barriers and they were proven. I am fortunate to share their stories over here:

1. Jaipur Rugs ( : Mr. N. K. Choudhary, the man behind this successful company, is a graduate from some university in Rajsthan. He belongs to a scheduled category and as he shared his experiences, he, his family and his community was treated as untouchables in the earlier part of his life. He had to take his father's shoe shop to begin his career but he saw a business opportunity in the rug business because there were skilled people in the field yet they lack the supply chain etc. to get the remunerations. From the scratch, he took the company to current status.During our interaction, he shared some of his failures as well. He lost all his earning till date twice during his career but he considers these as the part of the business and both of the time he came up with new strategies to take the company to new apogee. He was once frightened by some established businessmen to sell the company but it was his potential to take the risk and move further. His simplistic life and right attitude towards business say a lot about potentiality of rural India and backward to be the successful entrepreneurs if they are given opportunities.

2. Goonj ( Anshu Gupta belongs to a family full of Engineers but he is running an NGO called Goonj dedicated to help unprivileged class of society while keeping their integrity and self-pride alive which is missing in most of the social work including the governmental schemes. He considers it a bad practice to distribute free facility to people while they have the capability to earn that. Our interaction with him was full of sentiments and energy as he shared some of the most positive and negatives of the society. Let me give you an example: There is a class of people in the parts of Bihar, WB, Odisha and UP called Musahar ( whose life is totally dependent on hunting rats across the fields. As you know, rats eat less but take grains to their hole, these people hunt for rats and take grains to survive. They have been deprived of economic and social needs from centuries, Goonj involves such deprived communities across the country for their social and economic upliftment by various campaigns like "cloth for work" ( and "school to school"(    

3. Aravind Netralaya (
Aravind Eye Hospital was founded in 1976, by Dr. G. Venkataswamy. In an eleven bed hospital manned by 4 medical officers, he saw the potential for what is today, one of the largest facilities in the world for eye care. Over the years, this organization has evolved into a sophisticated system dedicated to compassionate service for sight. The Aravind Eye Care System now serves as a model, for India, and the rest of the world. They also invented the new methods of making lens (which are implanted after the operation of Motiyabind) that is 1000 times more cheaper than the replacement of its earlier version. Here is a quote of Dr. G. Venkataswamy:

"Intelligence and capability are not enough. There must also be the joy of doing something beautiful. Being of service to God and humanity means going well beyond the sophistication of the best technology, to the humble demonstration of courtesy and compassion to each patient."

There are many such success stories resulted from the passionate people across the world.Here is a great innovator and designer who is an electrical engineer as well:

4. Supriyo Das the independent inventor : 
Handpump's mechanical energy to electrical energy

Most of those were stories, stories with messages and inspirations and a common man of this country can look himself into these heroes as they belong to all parts of society. We need to expand our limits by continuous practice to lead a meaningful life of ours as well as the society where we are now part of a small chunk of privileged class. Things are around us to be inspired and to be frustrated both, it is up to us to choose one or not to choose at all :)

 Signing off
Deepoo Kumar

Wednesday, January 25, 2012



          I want to share some of my doubts related to the state of religion and patriotism in this nation, which I want to discuss... Our history glorifies both our religion and patriotism with very few exceptions. At sometime in the history, these two (religion and patriotism) were mutually similar and related in India, but history keeps changing with time and we are now living in an era where we find scarce of both pure religion and pure patriotism inside persons and citizens of India. The political policing of both have occurred in the course of Indian history which started with colonial rule and continued after independence as well.

          I do have general feeling that , abstracts and feeling like religion and patriotism have been used always by politicians but the direction in which present politics is moving seems to be disastrous as politics is attacking on moral values of common man like religion and patriotism. We are living in a state of politics that a person is easily thought of as an extremist if he/she strongly follows religion and/or patriotism.
           You may blame me for narrowing the two vast aspects to the politics but for a general case it appears to be correct. The general case obviously excludes special cases where we can occasionally find some spiritually motivated persons as well as some persons with pure patriotic attitude, but sad part of these cases are that they are being also mingled with politics e.g. the case of spiritual leader in the country as well as patriotic leader like Anna Hazare. Therefore it seems unavoidable to stop interference of politics into these moral matters. Dear friends, whenever you think of a perfect society, one always thinks the community having positive and developing thoughts. These thoughts are no doubt being driven by one's attitude towards social moral value and if the attitude are being corrupted by politics then politics must be interfered by .....???????


 I shall end this short writing by a small unrelated story:
 "Sometime back Taiwan was not such a developed country and many of its citizens were migrating Westward in search of better lives… What caused the turnaround…? What made the country a premier location for IC fab, electronic goods? Taiwan is now a highly developed country with average salaries more than $ 20000. After analyzing the situation in the country, the government and the community resolved to put all their resources in promoting universal primary education because they identified it as the solution to all socio-economic problems. They could achieve it because the size of their country is small."

Thanks for reading a piece of boisterous :)
Signing off
Deepoo Kumar

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jan Lokpal:Second fight for Independence

Just third day after today, the largest democracy of world namely India shall celebrate its 65th independence day when prime-minister of India will address the nation. I remember the last year's 16th August editorial of 'The Times of India' written by renowned fiction writer cum columnist Chetan Bhagat where he portrayed the Mr. prime-minister as an innocent person had nothing to talk and just re-iterated parts of older speeches of PMs. Anyway, I wonder what will he speak this year. He could have talked about control on terrorism but that was also taken away from him last month.

My concern is obviously not prime-minister's address, he is a great man and will have a lot to say. There are so many issues of national importance are roaming around us but let me talk about corruption for which a determined Gandhian is starting so called second struggle for independence i.e. a struggle by some of us with our elected government to make an act for our betterment. This is a different issue to think why we have to press the government to realise the need of such law which is the ultimate demand of time, when we have elected the government. I have here something to say about the two proposed drafts of the act against corruption.

I was just reading the two drafts and I can't claim to have understood everything written there but still I dare to write something about them here. 'Lokpal' i.e. the draft prepared by our government addresses around 70% issues raised by civil society but none of them are in the form as suggested by civil society or as mentioned in 'Jan Lokpal' draft prepared by Anna Hazare's team. To give you a quick example, Jan lokpal demands a body under Lokpal who can address public grievances of all the government department or any other institutions partially or completely funded by government. Once a person lodge his/her complaints, lokpal will investigate the matter within stipulated time and direct the complainant and concerned officer who will have to take necessary action again within given time. Now, let's look at the same law formed by the government: Every above mentioned department will appoint a public grievance officer who will entertain such cases and if the department fails to satisfy complainant, the complainant has to again go to lokpal which will further inquire the case and then take the action.

This is just one example, lokpal draft by gov. has many such drawbacks. One may question how the above modification by government is unacceptable or what is/are drawback(s) in that? The major problem that promotes corruption is the lack of patience and unavailability of time for us apart from of course the desire to increase zeros in our bank balance and many other things. The above procedure requires both patience and time apart from the fact that you are complaining a body about his own faults which they don't want to address at least in today's scenario.

The second major drawback of lokpal draft is that the proposed body has to depend on the government for almost every action for example they have to ask for investigating officer if they needed and every process goes through a loop of present government system which is too corrupt to investigate such cases (at least this is current presumption and a flat reality). However the jan lokpal demands a totally independent body from selection of jan lokpal to its execution which directly come under president of India.

Here I am presenting some facts showing difference between these two drafts:
(1.) Both draft gives the same power to chairperson of lokpal that of chief justice of India but selection procedure adopted by jan lokpal are independent from political domain.
(2.) Lokpal, according to government draft can investigate into high level corruption cases only but jan lokpal will cover every government employee including the employee of institution partially or fully funded by government.
(3.) Lokpal doesn't talk about protection of whistle-blower (the person who complains about corruption) but jan lokpal underlines the procedure to protect the whistle-blower from any kind of harm due to his/her involvement in such cases.
(4.) Government draft doesn't allow lokpal to take action on any act of Member of parliament inside the parliament for example it can't investigate cases like cash for vote scam. Similarly it excludes judiciary and PM from the jurisdiction of lokpal.
(5.)Jan lokpal demands claims its share of 10% on the public money that has been saved/undermined due to its action. This money will be used in the development of lokpal which is an attempt to get a bit of freedom from government system. Government draft doesn't talk about this.
(6.) Jan lokpal demands dissolution of CVC (central vigilance commission) and all its officer to be the part of lokpal which give us a single window system to fight against corruption.
(7.) Both draft demands formation of special courts to be formed to execute such cases. Both have filter mechanism to remove baseless complaints by preliminary investigation.

There are many more things that differ between two drafts apart from above-mentioned but what I see is that government constructed his draft using the jan lokpal as base but had not shown any gut to fight against this giant. No doubt the jan lokpal is our dream and if we want to see a future where a child doesn't blame his/her parents for making him a bribe-payer hence corrupt (it never flows one-way), we must support the jan lokpal. Even if we think that perfection is not the job of Indian, we must fight for a better lokpal than one proposed by government. The time has come to fight for our freedom otherwise they will keep making such symbolic and some non-sense laws to control rather use us for their business!

"I have just dared to write on a national issues for which I don't find myself qualified but this is an innocent attempt to share what I got from those drafts. Now, if you have got some interests you can find these drafts in the link below:"

Thanks for visiting me
Signing off